Robot Framework Test Automation (Selenium) with Python

Fastest way to do Selenium Test Automation with Robot Framework.

Trained 40,000+ students!

Are you planning to use Selenium test automation? then start with Robot Framework Test Automation. 

Robot framework is easy to learn and help you to automate your test cases very easily, you do not need too much of programming skills to start writing scripts in Robot Framework.

If you already have experience in Selenium WebDriver automation using Java and Python, you will learn how beneficial it is to use Robot Framework.

This comprehensive course will cover following topics:

  • Introduction and overview of the free & open-source Robot Framework Test Automation tool
  • How to install and configure all the pre-requisites
  • Write your first test case quickly
  • Page Object Model implementation
  • How to locate web elements using different techniques
  • Detailed videos on identifying web elements using complex XPath strategies
  • Detailed videos on identifying web elements using complex CSS Selectors strategies
  • How to handle windows in Robot Framework
  • How to handle Frames in Robot Framework
  • How to handle List in Robot Framework
  • How to handle Alerts in Robot Framework
  • How to handle Mouse Actions in Robot Framework
  • Selenium Waits, Timeouts and Speed
  • Control Flow and Loops
  • How to perform Data Driven Testing
  • And much more.

This course will help absolute beginners and existing automation engineers to quickly learn and start writing automation scripts using Robot Framework.

 So do not wait, go ahead, and enroll to start learning! 

Course Curriculum

Manish Verma

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$19.99 USD

  • Lifetime Access

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